
Cecilia Crimsondragon Ch. 7

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Several months passed since Dragon Star crashed. Cecilia waited more then a few days before returning to her ship. She saw that the ships entire computer program was kaput and the entire thing was no wear near suitible to fly.
    She also did a bit of a survey of the ship inside and out. Looking at some of the damage, she realised that the blows she received during the short battle had hit the ship in areas she noticed were vital. Cecilia quickly saw the bounty hunter was trying to disable her ship to stop her from escaping. And that the jump to light speed was far too great for this ship, so it crashed. She realised with a jolt that, had she stayed in hyper space any longer then she did, and the entire ship would blow up.
    So Cecilia began to repair the ship with what she had a hand. Withen the first week she got part of the computer running again, including everything she used to decode the chip. So in the chip went for more decoding once again.
    After that, aside from a few small repairs, Cecilia found herself unable to fix the ship without stealing new parts, as much as it pained her. But she wasn’t ready for that just yet. Wearily she turned her efforts to the chip.
    Then one night, it was decoded.
    It was incredibly late, and Cecilia found herself nodding in the pilots seat, for she was exhausted and lost in thought.
    “Message decoded,” the computer suddenly blipped, making her jump. Sitting up, she tapped a button, and the message came up in Basic. Wide awake now, she began to read the message.
    “Although our initial project of cloning the samples of Space Dragon DNA we obtained was a complete sucess, Project Dragon-child has proven far less sucessful, for we have realised that children are far too hard to entice away. We learned quickly that Middle class children either didn’t belive us, or were too smart to kidnap. Lower class children were either too skittish or afraid to leave, and we didn’t bother with the Upper class. Failure to buy slave children was also achieved. These failures occured on almost every single system in the galaxy.
    “However, we were finally sucessful in kidnapping one female humanoid child, on Kamino, called Cecilia.”
    “Kamino?” Cecilia muttered aloud. “I was on that cloning planet? But I’m not a clone....” Confused, she read on.
    “Infusing the DNA with her has been a complete sucess! She has already shown great potential, but she is too rebellious, we must break her, and soon.
    “Futhermore, we must continue to tighten our security. The reason being is of our dragon-girls heritidge, for she is the clone-daughter of the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett-“
    Cecilia lept up, pale within moments. The line kept repeating itself in her head, and she began to shake violently.
    “No.... I’m not a clone! I was the product of two peoples love! I’m not related to that bastard, NO!!” she screamed at the computer screen, backing up. But as she shouted those things, she knew it was true: she didn’t have a mother, and her father, always away on trips-
    “He’s not my father, NO!” she shouted at herself as she ran outside of the ship, sobbing helplessly. She ran aimlessly in grief for several kilometers before collapsing with exhaustion, and passing out....
* * *
    When Cecilia became aware of things again, it was late the next day. She was tired from her usual nightmares, including a new one: Fett, chasing her, not giving a damn....
    She shuddered: she felt utterly sick to her stomach remembering what she read last night. How she was related to that awful bounty hunter, and how she was merely a clone. The fact that she was an exact replica of the cold, unfeeling man almost made her vomit.
    Wings drooping, she slowly began to walk back to her ship. She hadn’t gone more then several yards before she stopped. She was tremblimg, but this time not from sadness, but from sheer anger.
    “I hate you, I HATE YOU!!” she screamed as loud as up to the sky. “You never looked for me, you never gave a damn about me.... But then I escaped, and then you cared for the credits. I don’t care if it costs me my life.... I’LL KILL YOU!”
Its short, but important. Yeah....
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NeoSilverThorn's avatar
Silver & Visse, together, launch into Bat Country:
Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.